It is a well-known fact that many people when buying a car prefer to fund the purchase (partly).
We estimate that this is the case with 70% of purchases.
Therefore, we also want to provide our customers with service in this area.
For the sake of clarity: we have no financial interest here.
Our goal is to sell only good cars at a competitive price and to provide our customers with as much service as possible.
Financing is a part of this.
If desired, it is advisable to visit the different lenders and your own bank beforehand via the internet and investigate the possibilities.
In addition, we have good experiences for our customers with DTC Financing. They have contacts with 15 different banks and look for the best offer for you.
If you decide to purchase a car, we can contact DTC on site and check the best financing. A clear proposal is made. If the outcome is positive, the loan can be terminated.